The Shoulds & Should Nots For Your Fittest Pregnancy

Confused about what you should (and shouldn't) be doing in the gym during your pregnancy? Enter your info to get trimester-specific guidance!

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    Katelyn Darkangelo, CPPC

    Certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness Coach

    Who am I?

    Nice to meet you! I'm Katelyn Darkangelo, creator of FIGR:Pregnancy and founder of FIGR. I'm a certified pregnancy & postpartum fitness coach, earned my degree in exercise science from the University of Michigan, and am a mom to my baby girl, Amelia!

    What you'll also get in my weekly newsletters:

    • Best practices for lifting during all phases of pregnancy
    • Tips regarding pregnancy-related symptoms, pains and common concerns
    • Mindset, modifications & goals for each trimester
    • Anything & everything related to working out during pregnancy!